round of drinks 意味

発音を聞く:   round of drinksの例文
  • 一渡り分{ひとわたり ぶん}の酒


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. what do you mean ? promised you guys that round of drinks .
  2. i think i will treat us to another round of drinks .
  3. i promised you guys that round of drinks .
  4. where the worst sketch artist bought the next round of drinks .
  5. you're hot . you're the best chance we have of getting a free round of drinks .
    あんたが一番イケてんだから しっかりおごられて来なさい


        after a few round of drinks:    お酒が多少入った後で
        have another round of drinks:    もう一杯{いっぱい}(酒を)やる[飲む]
        obligatory round of drinks:    付き合いの飲み会
        serve a round of drinks:    全員{ぜんいん}に酒をつぐ
        alcoholic drinks:    alcoholic drinks 酒類 しゅるい アルコール飲料 アルコールいんりょう
        beauty drinks:    美容飲料{びよう いんりょう}
        carbonated drinks:    carbonated drinks 炭酸飲料 たんさんいんりょう
        citrus drinks:    かんきつ飲料{いんりょう}
        cola drinks:    コーラ飲料{いんりょう}
        cold drinks:    cold drinks 清涼飲料[化学]
        decaffeinated drinks:    {名} : 脱カフェイン飲料、カフェイン抜きのコーヒー[紅茶]、カフェインの少ないコーヒー[紅茶] Regular or decaf? 《コーヒー》レギュラー?それともカフェイン抜き? My decaffeinated is darker than yours. You know, your decaffeinated is darker than mine.
        drinks party:    カクテルパーティ
        drinks trolley:    飲み物を乗せたワゴン
        effervescent drinks:    発泡性{はっぽうせい}の飲料{いんりょう}
        fermented drinks:    発酵飲料{はっこう いんりょう}


  1. "round of buying" 意味
  2. "round of calls" 意味
  3. "round of cards" 意味
  4. "round of consultations" 意味
  5. "round of courtesy calls" 意味
  6. "round of golf" 意味
  7. "round of heaven" 意味
  8. "round of human endeavor" 意味
  9. "round of knowledge" 意味
  10. "round of consultations" 意味
  11. "round of courtesy calls" 意味
  12. "round of golf" 意味
  13. "round of heaven" 意味

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